Saturday, 28 January 2017

Fall of Kobol + Sins of the Fallen (A hidden Gem!)

While looking for mods, I came across a gem for the game 'Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion'. I came across this little... Composite Gem as it were. While it is true SOSE doesn't support multi-threading and it's built on a 32-bit engine. With enough tinkering you can have a very enjoyable experience even with large fleet sizes with several hundred planets. At first you may experience large amounts of lag with large scale battles, due to the aforementioned limitations. Don't be alarmed as I'm currently writing up a tutorial on how to maximize performance for these older, or at least should be old titles. 32bit, single core, RTS games in 2012 is moronic to say the least. But some games can get away with it mind you ha-ha just not 4x games like SOSE. But I have to admit, despite the limitations of the SOSE game engine. I seriously don't believe this mod is given enough credit. I thought it was just a Galatica re-skin of the game, but there is so much more to it than that.
During my first major engagement with the Cylons. I literally lost everything single Battlestar I had... before they even fired a shot! They literally sat there, disabled. One by one, they were picked off by the Cylon's Basestars. At first I was like, "What... The... Hell!" Till I remembered the Cylon's in the 2004 remake, possessed that ability. Hell it was demonstrated in the pilot movie! Sacrificing 'The Twelve Colonies of Niko-bol', my last Battlestar, ironically the one I named Galatica. Blindly jumped from the sector and I literally wrote off half the map as the Cylons decimated my empire. On the run for 4 hours, I was about to give up and restart the game. That was, till I colonized a planet in a part of the map the Cylons hadn't mapped yet. Remembering I had two badly damaged and fairly obsolete Battlestars in a ship graveyard, I spent a further 5 hours getting them to 'New Caprica'. After regrouping I went about colonizing the nearby planets so I could rebuild my empire. 13 hours had passed since that fateful battle which sent the Galatica running with its tail between its legs and I had finally rebuilt some kind of an empire. Then the Cylons found me and I dispatched every Battlestar and Viper squad I had. It was all or nothing now, if that fleet was destroyed I had wasted 13 hours of my life xD I positioned my Battlestars on the edge of the gravity well and let the Vipers and Raptors have at them. Turning on the Galatica OST I watched three Basestars go up and I literally jumped from chair and shouted "Frak you! Ha-ha!" Of course nobody knew what I was talking about, but who cares?! 18 hours and I amassed a fleet and started the process of reclaiming 'Caprica'.
This entire experience was beyond anything I expected of a mod. I got so immersed that I'm literally going to replay it as soon as I get a game over screen. Win or lose, the past 24 hours have had me Fanboying non-stop! Apart from being able to capture the Battlestar Galatica (2004) remake era experience perfectly. The mod also adds:

•           A plethora of extra races, no less than 4 distinct ones.
•           A ton of content to the three existing races.
•           A multitude of tweaks that all races benefit from, such as planets and balancing of races.
If you're an RTS or Galatica fan this mod is certainly for you! Even if you don't know what either of those terms mean, and you just want a truly unique, fun and immersive gaming experience. This mod is certainly for you!

Just be aware time goes by very quickly :( Sleep, productivity... Human contact in general. All goes out the window.

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